Do you treat a handicapped bathroom the same as a handicapped parking place?
Cigarette butts - - - is that not considered littering when throwing them out the window?
Someone has been calling you the wrong name for a long time, how do you casually correct them? or do you?
Bluetooth headsets - - how can you tell if they are talking to you or someone else?
Ever heard someone talk on their cell phone while in a restroom? (why...??)
Or....people that answer questions out loud while you're sitting with a large group of people. (ie: in a classroom - I'm sorry did you raise your hand??? is the instructor just talking to you???? Didn't think so*)
So those are just some random thoughts for the day. What do you think?
1. Unless I'm desperate, I try not to use the handicapped stall.
2. It should be if it isn't.
3. I would have corrected them the first time. But since that didn't seem to work I would simply tell them again.
4. You can't tell and I can't stand it. Drives me nuts!
5. Yes I have and I don't know why.
6. Have you been to my classroom. Try answering a question without raising your hand. It doesn't go over very well.
7. What do I think? I think it has been way too long since we've had coffee...or done anything together.
Hi Alllllison!
1.YES! is litter! so are gum wrappers,gum, and half eaten food.
3. I let it slide. They will figure it out eventually.
4. Not a fan of them! I generally just think they are talking to themselves.
5. Yep. I think it makes them feel important. And I feel like I am eavesdropping.
6. These folks are in the same class as the continual head nodders.........People that nod the ENTIRE time someone speaks.
Love you!
1. Is the handicapped stall that big one?? Cuz I always go into those, if they are...I didn't know, oops!
2. Yes, it should be considered litter, but people do it so often, I don't think that they think of it as litter anymore.
3. I would probably have said my correct name really quietly every time, just to say that I DID tell them my name, and then I'd just wait till someone else pointed it out.:)
4. I don't know, I don't really know what they look...In Freaky Friday, when the mom is talking on her headset to someone and the cashier thinks she's talking to that what a bluetooth is?
5. No, but if it's at school, it's because they aren't allowed to use it but they NEED to call someone. So they talk VERY quietly...I'll admit, I've done that before:) (I had to call my mom:))
6. Ahh, yes. People do that all the time, they answer a question in class, without the teacher calling on them, and then the all people with their hands up had to make an unnecessary movement to put their hand in the air!!
i like your random questions. I'm going to do something like that on my blog:)
Hope to see you at Lifeline tonight!!
1.I always have 3 little girls in tow, so I do use it. That way I can keep track of them all. They will wander if allowed to!
2.Yes! It drives me crazy when they don't even stomp it out.
3.I would just get used to it. Eventually someone will correct them and they'll feel kinda bad. They won't tell you, but they'll feel it.
4.You can't. It's sometimes very funny. I once heard a woman a McD worker some pretty nasty things only to see her bluetooth headset as she left.
5.Yes...poor time managers?
6.I haven't been in school for almost 15 years. We would have never done that.
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