Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Finally -

Whoa - it's been a while - let me catch you up on my life. (P.S. Friday is 3/7/06...check out #5 on this list to find out more)

Since my last post:

1)I've officially decided school is never going to be fun/exciting...but it's gotta be done. It's time to suck it up and just get on with it. Spring break is coming up in t-2 weeks...and I can't wait. You're probably thinking I have this great trip planned...and that's not it at all. It will be a solid week of work and no boyfriend (I will get to that part later.) But it's all okay...cuz I've got friends :) Jenna and I will be getting together, Skoutz and I will be hitting up some coffee shops, a group of my Lifeline girls are coming over for a slumber party and movies, Chick Nite will be in full force one night, and last but not least...the women Lifeline leaders will be getting together for some chatter, food, and plenty of great memories.

2)Work work work. Truth is I only work 3 days a week, but waking up at 4:30 will never become a 'routine' thing for this girl. One thing I do like about jumping out of bed at that time is...SILENCE* Other than the music I listen to while getting ready and the coffee maker brewin' some good jo- - - it's so quiet around here. No kids running down the hallway, jumping down stairs, no cars, no tv, it's so relaxing. Even when I get on the road it's quiet, of course at that time there really isn't a lot of traffic...I end up sharing the toll road with semi truck drivers and your occasional Ohio passerby. - - but it's so quiet. Silence is a hard thing to find at times....buuut....wake up at 4:30 and I promise you you'll find it :) haha

3)Books. I've been trying to find this certain book for a couple weeks now - and it's a no go. I could order it offline...but I don't want to wait that long. Last night, Jeff and I were in DC's office chatting and I looked up at his array of books.....TA-DA there it was. Well to make a long story short .... he's letting me borrow it. So pumped! and to be honest...it doesn't even look like it's been touched...DC is a gentle book reader.

4) 3 guys...1 rv....2 weeks....scared* Go HERE for more details.
-DC will be posting more information as it comes, but for now...entertain yourself with the ideas they have for "The Bucketlist Tour"

5) 3/7/06 - - that's a huge date for me and for a little boy in Columbia - - - check back on Friday for a post*


Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I like the banner. Bring on the stretching activities! Bring on the news. Don't keep us hanging like this. ;)

Anonymous said...

You're making me very curious! Please let us know soon!!


Melinda said...

Allison needs to come visit the dirty south again! I miss you!