Friday, July 25, 2008

it was like a punch in the face

Have you ever heard something and thought to yourself,
"Well shoot, that makes total sense. Maybe a little difficult to wrap my head around, but I understand what you're saying."

I had one of those moments last night as Jason Miller spoke deep from his heart for the 2nd week in a row. (this week was on "study") The guy is in unbelievable, his messages are hitting closer and closer to home - and I love it! Can I just tell you I'm hyped about where we are all headed this fall...especially with student ministry!? Seriously, words can encompass what I feel....nervous...of course! But completely pumped at the same time. Anyways this is what struck me last night : :

"Lets just not have a pep-rally for love, lets get equipped to love too. Lets walk out energized and equipped. Heart and mind, soul and strength, to love really well. Lets get one hand on who God really is, and another on the world around us."

Okay, after that...who wouldn't be in?! C'mon - that right there just lights my fire even more. It's going to take hard work, I've gotta study and learn and try to wrap my head around things that are much bigger than I've ever imagined. Then Jason said this...and I was like "uh..hi, that's me. thanks"

He said...For some of us this may seem intimidating. Taking steps in the right direction and seeing the distance between point A and Z may be intimidating. To some of us it strikes us as being a complete genius, and knowing every little thing - when we know in reality we will never become that, so why even try. When in fact, that's not the goal. The goal is that person, down the road, is a fully alive sharp-minded version of you.

In all honesty I have people in my life that are so intellectual and so brilliant in their on stature, that in my mind I know I will never be what they are - so I break down. I choose the "oh, just nod your head and agree with what they say, because they've got it!" - - - and after last night, that's not going to work anymore. It hasn't really even worked in the past, I was just tricking myself into thinking that it had. My heart is open, I'm ready to start digging. Every time I think about wanting, and yearning for more, I get anxious and nervous - - but I want to be better. I want to know more.

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