Thursday, February 12, 2009

Calendar Check

I received my first Bridal Shower announcement in the mail yesterday, along with a Baby Shower invite as well - - both happening on the same day. (awesome)

It doesn't stop with that, I know my busy schedule is just beginning. Personally I don't do well with busy, I tend to freak out a little bit. Yesterday I completely forgot to give someone a call that I said I would, I just never thought about it. Then when it was brought to my attention - I felt extremely bad, like I had let that person down big time. I know everyone has things to do, so when I'm part of those daily activities and I forget to contact someone - ugh...I hate the way that makes me feel.

I've got weddings coming up (6 to be exact, 3 that I'm in - 1 that I'm helping with) - and with those come showers, bachelorette parties, gift buying, party planning, and so forth. Spring break will be a nice getaway, then I'm home for a few days and then leave again for a long weekend. Tomorrow I leave for Memphis with the GSM crew - - there's not much to say about that. Just that it will be flippin' sweet and full of awesome times with great students and leaders.

Yesterday I sent out my first resume and cover letter - talk about not being in control of something. They can either love ya or hate ya - - - hopefully they like me! =) Indianapolis is screaming my name, and an internship in the city would be perfect.

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Careful, you may end up going crazy like me with a schedule like that.