Colorado x2
In front of the Butcher Shop - This restaurant is a family favorite...and is home to the Colorado Ice Cream Baked Potatoes *yum* (A ball of ice cream, shaped as a baked potatoe, then rolled in coco powder, covered with hot fudge and whip could ya go wrong??)
While skiing with Eric I knew he would throw me down some "not so easy" runs. Meet "West Side," my first black run. I'm a champ! No broken bones...I just pointed my skis down the mountain and took off! haha (not the best way to go about things, but HEY...I made it!)
Snowmobiling - - what a trip! You couldn't see the person in front of you because it was snowing so hard that day. We have a video of Eric jumping off his snowmobile and landing in the snow...and you can't even see his body the snow was so deep. *Fresh Colorado Powder, there isn't anything else like it* We had a blast!
Look Mom! The Clark Store!! - - I guess when I was a wee lil child we had to stop here to buy Kleenex in order for me to blow my nose. I remember this store as "The Booger Place." It was fun walking through this tiny about random. With the purchase of Jelly Bellys, Beef Jerky, Green Tea, and Clark Bars - - we were set to move on =)
EB on drums - this guy is awesome at what he does. Watching the guys rock out made me remember all the great times we all have had up at the lake. I wonder if they will be showing up this June for another rock session....hmmm???
Haha!! We make Mom and Dad so proud* =) This is what Eric and I like to call "Reynolds Ink" - Craziest moment...sitting with Eric in a Las Vegas tattoo shop while he gets his done. (Especially since Eric hates all the tats I have, I would tell you what he calls them...but I think you can figure it out! LOVE YOU BRO!*) It was way out of my element to sit there and not get anything done myself. His turned out pretty dang cool - - and my's there forever
The Reynolds' always know how to have a good time. I sure did miss having my mom on the trip though. There were times when I wanted to know her story of how things really went - - like the camp ground we drove past on the way in to Steamboat...where I apparently tried to kill myself. I guess jumping in the pool without floaties on turns into a complete disaster. Thanks for the rescue mom! Driving past where we took the RV (yeah RV) when it broke down 1,000,000 times on our trips. I don't remember a lot of our old vacations we took as a family - but listening to my brother and dad share stories helps me re-live parts of it. But like I said...I could have used the "back up" from my mom, she was always a great mediator*
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