You know those things in life that just get your heart beating faster and faster?? Ah - I love that feeling, there's no way to hide it and when you hear/see/feel those can't help but grin ear-to-ear :: Here's a couple of my stories...
Stop Running :: It's always hard hiding things from the ones that are closest to you. It sometimes makes me mad when they know something is up, good or bad, but it's because they care that they want to know what's truly going on. When I get the chance to open up and be honest with those few individuals, that's when my soul rocks.
Family ties :: My uncle is such an amazing and talented man. Although sometimes I find myself whipping him into shape when it comes to stepping outside his comfort zone. It's not just when he sings, just sitting down and talking to him gets me fired up every time. Our talks are usually random, but God shows up every time and allows us both to open up to insecurities and spill the weakest part of us. It's pictures like this one below that makes me so proud! Doing that, singing for God and His children, is also one thing that makes my uncle's Soul Rock*
New and Different :: By now everyone knows that Eric is in the process of opening up his own store down in Indy. I swear he sends me new emails every day with pictures of how the place looks. Whether it's a new sign outside, new lights, new arrivals, or even wanting new furniture - - I get a kick out of everything he sends. He's got a lot to learn, but because he's so psyched about this entire adventure I can't help but feel the same way. Nothing is made out to be easy, and I'm sure there's going to be some rocky moments...but he's so ready for it. We learn from those stressful moments, and I can tell a difference in the way he presents himself because of what he's been through these past several months.
Sunday Nights :: Basically Lifeline in general makes me excited. This last Sunday, after DC told us what the night was going to consist of, I told myself that I would just sit back and listen to what the students had to say. Being that the night was centered around purity I knew the night was going to get interesting. No, there wasn't a sex talk, thanks DC! but it was interesting to hear the students out. I heard a couple things that night that made my head turn a little bit, it shouldn't surprise me when these students speak their mind, but I couldn't help but be proud. One girl asked "Why don't girls respect themselves more?" a male student said "It makes me angry to know that just because one guy can treat a girl the wrong way, it makes all of us nice guys seem not so great." Unreal! These students are getting it. That right there rocks my soul, how can't it???
What is it for you? What makes you get that feeling inside, you just wanna scream from the roof tops* (okay, maybe not that dramatic, but what makes your soul rock??)
What makes my soul rock?
- sitting through planning sessions for girls retreats like tonight
- Wednesday and Sunday nights sitting and talking with our students
- sharing what God has taught me with others
- spending time with close friends just being real especially when they don't let me run
- NOT teaching school
all I gotta say is: I have only heard Don sing once- at papaw funeral- "amazing grace" ..... and it was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
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