Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Must Watch

Even if you're a guy you should check out NewSprings series on women. Sarah Koutz informed me about the series, and when I saw the feedback of how great it was - I knew I had to check it out.
The first week is on being beautiful. What makes us beautiful, what do we center our attention on that leads us to think we're beautiful - or not beautiful?

Scripture for this week focused entirely on Psalm 45.

Perry listed 6 things that we tend to wrap our identity around - believing us to think that those things make us beautiful: Appearance, house, kids, relationships, career and religion. He then told us to write down a quality in someone that we admire...and I dare you to try this. What I wrote down had NOTHING to do with the 6 things. So if that's the case, if what we see in other people isn't what we see in ourselves, then why not live to be what we admire the most in other people?

There were several things mentioned throughout the message that I only hope our High School (and MS) girls understand. Psalm 45: 11 - The King is enthralled by your beauty. We weren't made from dirt, we were to be made special - beautiful. You need to see yourself the way God sees you.

Perry talked a lot about relationships - and there's something about relationships that fires me up. Maybe it's because I didn't date in high school, didn't really see the point - thought all guys were dirtbags....I dunno =) So when I see young girls in relationships, it scares me to think they are just settling....for now - - until something better comes along. Whyyy??

Well that's enough for now - if you want more, and I think you do, then go check out the service for yourself.

NewSpring - Me, Beautiful?


Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I may link to this on my blog. I was too lazy to summarize the message. I'm a horrible person. Coffee? Soon? PLEASE?!

Jeff Myers said...

Great post.