Monday, February 16, 2009

Phone call to Dad

I gave my dad a phone call today, just to chat about life in general. Sometimes you can catch him on a "bad Monday", Eric always told me that Fridays were the days to catch Dad at his best - but today it was different. It was nice to have a grown up conversation with someone, especially my pops. We've continued to grow real close over the last several years, and I always know that he will tell me like it is (in that dad tone). He always wants what's best for me, and that's what so awesome. We've all had our fair share of mistakes, but to see a man like him continue moving forward and today he even told me that he's "grown up a lot in these past couple years." I love it! Hearing him say that it reminded me of something that ALL grownups say to us younger folk, they tell us that even at their age - they still don't know what they want to do or be when they grow up. That makes perfect sense, and they are totally right. Everyday we keep reaching for something new and different, something better. If it's with our job, you may not like what's going on in the economy and what it's doing to your job or company - but because you love the business you continue to fight for it. We are never to old to grow up, it's something that continues to happen throughout our lives. My dad taught me this today, that it's okay to jump through new hoops even if you're terrified of the outcome - you do it cuz you love it. He shared something his dad told him, "There is on thing I wished I had done that I did not do, I wanted to play basketball really, really bad, but never tried out for it." He didn't regret not playing, he did often wonder what would have happened if he would have tried.

So that's what I'm finding in myself - - trying things. Things I thought I would never do because I want to be the best ME that I can be.

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I just read your comment on my blog. Actually the sweatshirt was a screen print of a picture my nephew drew of their family. They had the shirts printed for the finalization of the adoption. They are cool but you know a puff paint version may have been cooler!