Sunday, February 8, 2009


Okay folks, you're looking at her - - I'm the Maid Of Honor for my best friends wedding. I need to do know what to do, when to do it, and what the heck am I going to say in the speech? I've read a list of MOH duties, and I'm already stressing out (the wedding isn't until October!). She's my best friend, and I would hate it if I missed something. I just read the part about how I am in charge of the groom's ring, daaaaang it....that sends chills down my back. So basically if you're reading this and you have any advice please let me know.

struggling moh of best friends wedding


Anonymous said...

Hey Allison! Congrats to both you and your friend! Ok, so here's a tip for the whole groom's ring thing...when I was my bff Mo's MOH, someone told me before the ceremony to put Andy's (the groom) ring on my thumb, so that I could easily carry my bouquet and still have the ring ready to hand over to the minister at the right time. It worked great! And also... wrapping a tissue around your bouquet works good in case you get a few tears :)

Melinda said...

Hehehe. Ahhhhhh- the illustrious maid of honor duty. My advice?
1. Save up. It gets expensive. The showers (yes- you host em and pay for em!), your dress and shoes and matchy matchy jewelry (yep- you pay for that too!)The bachelorette party- guess who plans and foots the bill for favors etc? YOU:).
2. Plan Plan Plan. Destress the bride. Be prepared for the worried phone calls in the middle of the night regarding the cake's icing. Plan some more.
3. Most importantly- pray for the upcoming marriage. Help everyone keep their eyes on the true meaning of the vows- not the ceremonial duties.
4. By the time all is said and done- you will want to elope when it is your turn! :)

Hopefully its a local wedding. Otherwise there are the good old hotel expenses, airfare, food etc. :) (More experience, strength and hope on that)

Ah- for the couple: the merging of two souls hopefully centering God as the basis of their union.
For the wedding party: the wonderings of the events of the reception.

Your "been there done that precious maid of honor duty" cousin,

With lots of love! And CONGRATS JENNA!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I’ve given you an award!

Ali Farmer said...

Hey great name! :) I found your blog via vanity.

You will do great as moh. I have two suggestions: 1) if your bf has a veil make sure it is presentable at all time and not sticking of to the side or straight up.

2) If there is a train, keep it fluffed and straight while she is up in front of everyone :)