Thursday, April 30, 2009

After 8 years...

It's now time for Eric and I to live together once again. When it comes to siblings, I would say he and I are extremely close - so let's hope this summer doesn't change that.

He and I are complete opposites. He got all the "type a"
genes in our family along with the wisdom of how a business works and all the marketing skills that go along with that. He's a big dreamer, which I love, but it can get a little annoying. For him, there's always a bigger and better way to accomplish ANYTHING. Life is anything but boring when he and I are hanging out. Road trips taken together seem to be high on my list of "greatest sibling moments," we always end up having our own American Idol fest in the front seat - motions and all...we are brilliant singers. Give us Boys II Men.....and we'll give you the greatest concert you've ever heard. I love talking to him about artsy things, he just looks at me with this blank look like "uhh...what?" I'll confess, I enjoy talking to him about things he doesn't quite understand - it gives me a chance to teach him a few things (aaaand it feels good to be one up on him...even if it's just for a split second).

so think of me in a few short weeks when I ditch the comfortable state of Granger, Indiana for a little bit more spunk in Indianapolis. Until then, you can find me the loveliness of what is my "box" - living the high life! =)


Anonymous said...

:( I'm gonna miss your pretty little face!


Anonymous said...

Don't go...

Okay..I got over my selfish-ness

I love you. Have an amazing time in Indy. You're a great friend.

<3, Ang Aquila